Impact Factor
Current: 0.8
5 - Year: 0.8
Aims & Scope
Current Nutrition & Food Science publishes frontier research on recent advances in food and nutrition pertaining to their nutritional value, their impact on health and disease, and their molecular and biochemical actions. The journal aims to publish high-quality original research and full-length/mini-review articles, and thematic issues in the following areas:
- Brewing
- Cereal Science
- Clinical Nutrition
- Dairy Science
- Dietetics
- Food Additives
- Food Contaminants
- Food Chemistry
- Food Biochemistry
- Food Engineering
- Food Processing
- Food Microbiology
- Food Technology
- Food Quality
- Food Safety
- Meat Science
- Nutrition and Metabolism
- Nutrition Science
- Nutritional Biochemistry
- Vitamin Research
Abstracted & Indexed in:
British Library
Cabell's Directory/Journalytics
Chemical Abstracts Service/SciFinder
CNKI Scholar
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Genamics Journal Seek
Google Scholar
Index Copernicus
Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
MediaFinder®-Standard Periodical Directory
Suweco CZ
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
Archiving and Copyright:
Journal Database:
"The new journal, Current Nutrition & Food Science, provides the latest, concise, and scholarly reviews and information in the field of nutrition. A winner for those of us who devote most of our waking hours to the task of keeping up to date!".
Lois Jovanovic
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute, USA
Lois Jovanovic
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute, USA