Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) is the fifth state of matter in condensed matter
physics. It is the most impressive example of quantum behaviour on a macroscopic scale but
the most difficult state to observe. When low-density boson gas is cooled to a temperature
nearly absolute zero, then BEC is formed. In this condition, the bosons have almost no free
energy to move relative to each other. They clump together, come into the lowest quantum
state, and behave as a single atom. Then microscopic quantum mechanical phenomena work on
a macroscopic scale. This chapter summarizes the history and the developments regarding BEC
with a brief discussion of the key scientists in this field. In the next section, the summary of the
all chapters is given
Fundamentals of Excitons
Page: 19-35 (17)
Author: Sunipa Som*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165401124010004
PDF Price: $15
An electron and an electron hole are attracted to each other by electrostatic Coulomb
force and combine. This bound state of electron-hole pair is known as an exciton. It can carry
energy without transferring net electric charge because it is an electrically neutral quasiparticle. Excitons exist in semiconductors, insulators and some liquids. Frenkel exciton and
Wannier-Mott exciton are the two types of excitons. In this section, the origin of excitons, types
of excitons, and the relaxation and thermalization behavior of excitons with some research
results have been discussed.
Fundamentals of Polaritons
Page: 36-62 (27)
Author: Sunipa Som*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165401124010005
PDF Price: $15
Polariton is a bosonic quasiparticle. When an electromagnetic wave strongly
interacts with the dipole active transition of the medium, then polariton is formed [1]. In other
words, when light scatters and goes through any interrelated resonance, then the polaritons can
be formed. In this chapter, the history of polariton, category of polaritons, their constituents,
and light-matter interaction have been explained. Special condensate behaviour of polaritons
like polariton lasing, superfluidity, and quantized vortices are also explained.
Bose Einstein Condensation of Excitons
Page: 63-90 (28)
Author: Sunipa Som*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165401124010006
PDF Price: $15
The research on the Bose Einstein Condensation (BEC) of polaritons is of increasing
importance due to its many technological applications. Several experimental and theoretical
methods have been applied for the investigation on the BEC of excitons. Different experimental
procedures and theoretical methods have been discussed in this chapter. Current research
progress in this field and the applications of the BEC are also explained.
Bose Einstein Condensation of Polaritons
Page: 91-125 (35)
Author: Sunipa Som*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165401124010007
PDF Price: $15
Several experimental and theoretical procedures have been used to get the Bose
Einstein Condensation (BEC) of polaritons. Nowadays, the investigation of the BEC of
polaritons is vastly popular and increasing attention in atomic as well as solid-state physics
because it has many technological applications. In this chapter, different experimental
procedures, excitation, and observation methods are explained. Recent research developments
in this field and the application of the BEC also are discussed.
This reference book explains the fundamentals of Bose Einstein Condensation (BEC) in excitons and polaritons. It presents five chapters exploring fundamental concepts and recent developments on the subject. Starting with a historical overview of BEC, the book progresses into the origins and behaviors of excitons and polaritons. Chapters also cover the unique thermalization and relaxation kinetics of excitons, and the distinctive features of polaritons, such as lasing, superfluidity, and quantized vortices. The chapters dedicated to BEC in excitons and polaritons detail experimental techniques, theoretical modeling, recent advancements, and practical applications in a simplified way for beginners. This book serves as a resource for researchers, physicists, and students interested in the phenomena of BEC, providing insights into both the theoretical foundations and the practical implications of excitons and polaritons.