Local anesthesia in airway management allows orotracheal or nasotracheal intubation in awake patients with anticipated or known difficult airway predictors. Until a few years ago, the device that was used for awake intubation was the Fiberscope (FBO) but currently, in addition, you can use any airway device, as long as you effectively anesthetize the structures through which the device is inserted [1]. This requires adequate local anesthesia during the necessary time, waiting long enough for the local anesthetic to work in order to achieve quick and easy intubation with minimal or nil sedation, although other working groups use sedation during this procedure [2].
Keywords: Awake intubation, Airway management, Airway anesthesia, Airway topicalization, Airway nerve blocks, Awake fibreoptic bronchoscopy, Awake videolaryngoscopy, Difficult airway, Dexmedetomidine, Ketamine.