Shame is frequently overlooked as an emotion leading to suicide. Examples from the public record in which shame is believed to have played a major role (Bud Dwyer, Ernest Blanchard, Jeremy ‘Mike’ Boorda, Takayuki Kamoshida, Mervyn Jenkins William Lucan- Roberts, Wolfgang Huellen, Vlajko Stojiljkovic, David Kelly, Arthur Teele, Wolfgang Priklopil, Shinichi Yamazaki, J D ‘Roy’ Atchison, Christopher Forster, Bruce Ivins, Michael Todd, Michael Pigott Roh Moo-hyun, Dudu Topaz, and others) are detailed. Anger is also believed to be a factor in some completed suicides. Examples are less common, but may include some men who kill their offsprings and themselves in the settings of disputed access to children.