The management of solid waste is a major issue everywhere in the world. It
is an undesirable material produced from industrial and business activities andfrom
residential areas in a given region, which leads to adverse impacts on agriculture.
Decentralized municipal solid waste is one of the causes of the harmful environment in
India and all over the world. Decentralized waste management causes significant
problems, including hazardous diseases and environmental pollution. To tackle these
problems, scientific management of waste disposal is needed. Few methods are used to
find the solution to these problems, but they do not give precise and accurate results.
Moreover, there is uncertainty in data, so there is an immediate need to establish a
reliable way to find a place where solid waste can be disposed of. A scientific,
integrated solid waste management system must be immediately designed to reduce the
effects on agriculture. Geospatial tools like Remote Sensing and GIS, which can help in
appropriate site choice for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) disposal in an additional
scientific manner, might result in economically supported concrete proof. The study
provides the suitable places in the city and the best algorithms in the field of Site
Suitability Analysis (SSA).
Keywords: Composition, Human excreta, Integrated solid waste management system, Nutrient recovery, Recycling, Site suitability analysis, Waste disposal.