The Internet of Things (IoT) technology is making a radical transition in the
agricultural business, resulting in the creation of precision agriculture and sustainable
crop management practices. This study inspects how Internet of Things (IoT)
technology is revolutionizing agriculture, with a particular emphasis on sustainable
crop management techniques and precision agriculture. The study explores the extent
and significance of using sensors, IoT devices, and data analytics for improved crop
monitoring and management, empowering farmers to make data-driven choices.
Farmers are able to allocate resources more efficiently and produce less waste due to
the real-time data collecting on soil moisture, temperature, humidity, and crop health.
We go into great detail on the essential elements of IoT-based precision agriculture,
such as decision support systems, data collecting, analytics, and sensor technology. The
study also looks at the benefits of using IoT in agriculture, highlighting how
technology might completely transform farming methods for more sustainability and
efficiency. A thorough literature study adds to our understanding of the status of
research in Internet of Things applications for sustainable crop management and
precision agriculture.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of things (IoT), IoT in agriculture, Precision agriculture, Sustainable crop management.