This chapter uses Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) technology field
data to assess efficient terrain visualization. There are two algorithms for detailed
computer rendering. The test results for the productivity of the two these algorithms or
techniques are presented in the subsequent sections. In visual-spatial perception, the
assessment of the results is ultimately examined. In this chapter, the model then uses
the information to select the optimal level of details (LOD) to prevent visible changes
in representation. The relationship between computer processing power and mental
representation is critical for understanding these cognitive processes.
Keywords: 2D database system, 3D landsat imagery, Blind image quality index, Cloud optimization, Distinct quality management, Differential global positioning system, Electron beam, Hierarchical space segmentation, LiDAR system, Level-on-detail, Peak signal-to-noise ratio, Probabilistic data values, Quad trees, Root mean-square error, Stratified random, Spatial information, Vertex buffer objects.