Industrial production of pharmaceutical products is rising simultaneously
with the increase in the world population and urbanization. They are vital in the
treatment, prevention and control of diseases. Although pharmaceutical products play a
pivotal role worldwide, their disposal and subsequent toxic metabolites are causing
havoc in the environment. Accumulation of these hazardous pollutants in the
environment increases the chances of reaching and affecting communities. The
potential toxicity of these compounds includes the ability to be mutagens, carcinogens
and genotoxins. Remediation methods currently available to rejuvenate nature from
such wastes are generally expensive and may convert one toxin to another. Therefore,
the use of microorganisms for the bioremediation of pharmaceutical and toxic waste
has become an economical and effective alternative. Bioremediation techniques further
detoxify the waste into useful or harmless products that can be beneficial to the
Keywords: Aerobic, Anaerobic, Analgesic, Antibiotics, Anti-inflammatory, Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Degradation, Ecosystem, Enzymes, Hormones, Metabolites, Microbes, Microbial remediation, Microorganisms, Pharmaceutical waste, Sewage, Sludge, Phenols, Wastewater.