Blood sugar levels have to be controlled by individuals with type II diabetes
(T2D) to preserve health and longevity. For such people, artificial sweeteners
(including aspartame) are proposed sugar substitutes. In particular, the protection of
aspartame has long been the point of discussion. Although it is such a problematic
product, T2D patients are advised by many physicians to use it during a managed diet
and as part of a treatment modality. Aspartame is 200 times sweeter than sugar and has
a marginal effect on blood glucose levels. It is recommended for use so that T2D can
regulate carbohydrate consumption and blood sugar levels. Previous studies, however,
indicate that aspartame consumption may increase a person's risk of gaining weight
instead of losing weight, resulting in intolerance to blood glucose in T2D. By
increasing the levels of cortisol, aspartame can act as a biochemical stressor. It may
cause systemic oxidative stress by creating excess free radicals, altering the gut's
microbial activity, and interacting with the receptor N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA),
resulting in insulin deficiency or tolerance. Due to the lack of reliable evidence,
aspartame and its derivatives are safe for T2D yet are still debatable. In the already
stressful physiology of T2D, more research is needed to provide indications and raise
concerns that aspartame may worsen the prevalence of pathological physiology.
Keywords: Aspartame, Aspartic acid, Methyl alcohol, Phenylalanine.