Post-menopausal hormonal therapy (HT) may help to improve quality of life
and prevent long-term consequences of estrogen deficiency. The use of HT in
postmenopausal cancer survivors is controversial, particularly for those women having
survived hormone-dependent tumors, like breast or gynecological cancers. Endometrial
cancer is the most frequent gynecological cancer. The limited data of the literature on
women having suffered from endometrial cancer do not show an increased recurrence
or death with HT use, but guidelines do not yet indicate the generalized use of HT in
these women. HT should be avoided in uterine sarcomas. Breast cancer survivors suffer
from climacteric symptoms after menopause or as a consequence of adjuvant hormonal
anti-estrogen treatment. The risk of cancer recurrence with HT is uncertain: the two
randomized prospective controlled trials were prematurely stopped. Actually, clinical
guidelines contraindicate HT use in breast cancer survivors. New therapeutic approach
for selected symptoms such as ospemifene (a SERM molecule) can be promising.
There is no strong evidence for denying HT to patients treated for ovarian cancer,
independently of disease stage. Even for women with an endometrioid carcinoma of the
ovary, an estrogen-sensitive tumor, evidence indicates no harm from HT. More
controversial is the use of HT after granulosa cell tumors. HT can be administered in
women treated for squamous cancers of the cervix and the vulva or vaginal neoplasm.
The approach to cervical adenocarcinoma should follow that of endometrial cancer. In
conclusion, HT is not contraindicated in all women with a history of gynecological
cancer, but its use is dependent on the type of cancer the woman has suffered from.
Keywords: Breast cancer, Cancer, Cancer survivors, Cervical cancer, Climacteric symptoms, Estrogen, Follow-up, Gynecological cancer, Hormonal therapy, Menopause, Ospemifene, Ovarian cancer, Progesterone, Quality of life, Recurrence, Tibolone, Uterine cancer, Vaginal atrophy, Vaginal cancer, Vulva cancer.