Background: The synthesis of reversible logic has gained prominence as a crucial research area, particularly in the context of post-CMOS computing devices, notably quantum computing.
Objective: To implement the bitonic sorting circuit, 2x2 switch, is used. The overarching objective of implementing a reversible sorting circuit is to mitigate power consumption while promising secure communication. The successful implementation of the bitonic sorting circuit utilizing the proposed 2x2 switch is validated through simulations conducted in IBM Qiskit.
Methods: This study begins by employing the control swap gate to implement a 2x2 switch, aimed at enabling concurrent computing operations within multiprocessor systems to enhance throughput. Subsequently, following the successful implementation of the 2x2 switch, the study proceeds to design a bitonic sorting circuit.
Results: Bitonic sort using a 2x2 switch on the IBM Quantum Experience (IBMQ) platform via the QISKit SDK in Python 3.6. Specifically, Qiskit v0.29.0 is utilized, with OpenQASM. OpenQASM serves as the quantum assembly and instruction language.
Conclusion: This work presents a methodology for constructing a 2x2 switch, utilizing a reversible control swap gate as its core component. Additionally, it demonstrates the intricate development and implementation of a bitonic sorting circuit, capitalizing on this innovative switch architecture.
Keywords: Quantum circuit, quantum computing, quantum algorithm, interconnection network, sorting, switching circuits.