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Recent Patents on Engineering


ISSN (Print): 1872-2121
ISSN (Online): 2212-4047

Research Article

A Model to Validate Different Inflections of Assamese Verbs

Author(s): Parismita Sarma*, Manash Pratim Bhuyan, Chandamita Kalita and Varsha Upadhyaya

Volume 19, Issue 2, 2025

Published on: 04 October, 2023

Article ID: e120923220979 Pages: 13

DOI: 10.2174/1872212118666230912154736

Price: $65

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A verb in a sentence defines the action to be performed and keeps the subject of the sentence in motion. Assamese is a language spoken by millions of people in Assam, a North Eastern state of India. In the Assamese language, different inflections of verbs express the tense of the action, whether it is present, past or future. Verbs are inflected according to person, number, gender, tense, and voice, thus showing their existence in different situations. In this research work, we have built a tool to check whether an Assamese verb form is valid or invalid. After checking the validity, it also displays the meaning of the inflected form of the root verb in English. The root verbs are conjugated with the inflectional morphemes, and inflected verb forms are recorded.

Background: This work is completely new and done by the authors for the Assamese language. To build this tool, a few research papers on this language were studied, and a summary of them is written in the Related Work section.

Methods: In this experiment, 72 root verbs and 132 inflections were used. GUI was designed by using Tkinter in Python. The inflected verb form passed through three modules consisting of different searching techniques. Assamese corpus, Google search, Assamese Wikipedia, and Manual evaluation, respectively.

Result: Finally, 662 Assamese valid verb forms were found that have meaning and are used in a different context. Corpus search, Google search, Assamese Wikipedia and Manual Evaluation gave 232, 733, 550 and 112 numbers of overall search results accordingly. Novelty: This paper presents a novel validation framework for Assamese language verb inflections and hence it can be defined as a patent work. This work can help the linguistic community better comprehend verb inflection patterns and linguistic diversity. This patent paper explores the inflections of a lesser-known low-resource language that would be beneficial. This study could be considered as innovative and important because it has applications in areas like speech recognition, machine translation, and natural language processing.

Social Implication: The linguistic community would benefit greatly from the creation of a new, freely accessible, user-friendly interface intended exclusively for validating Assamese verb inflections. The approaches used here to recognize correct inflections of Assamese verbs have been performed with in-depth analysis. The approach could have implications for language learning and education, improving machine translation and natural language processing systems. Validating the verb inflections may help in raising the awareness and recognition of research focused on underdeveloped or marginalized languages. As a result, speakers of these languages might have more equitable access to information, resources, and opportunities, thus resulting in a decrease in linguistic prejudice.

Keywords: NLP, Inflection, Assamese Wikipedia, Assamese language, Morphology, Root verb.

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